AI Video Tools


AI Animation Video Series Generation tool


What is Showrunner

Showrunner, developed by Fable Studio, is an AI interactive storytelling platform often referred to as the “AI version of Netflix.” It allows users to generate personalized animated TV episodes through short text prompts, transforming viewers into content creators. By inputting 10 to 15 words, Showrunner utilizes AI technology to automatically create episodes ranging from 2 to 16 minutes, including dialogue, sound, and editing, enabling users to quickly generate their desired video content. The platform currently focuses on animated content, with plans to expand to live-action in the future.

Key Features of Showrunner

  • Intelligent Content Creation: The core feature of Showrunner is its AI-driven content generation engine. Users only need to provide 10 to 15 words of creative prompts, and the AI can generate complete TV scenes and episodes based on these prompts. This process is not only fast but can also produce endless story possibilities based on different user inputs.
  • Deep Personalization: Showrunner offers a highly personalized content creation experience. Users can customize the storyline, write dialogues, design characters, and choose camera angles, ensuring that the generated episodes accurately reflect their creativity and style.
  • Innovative Interactive Participation: Showrunner redefines how audiences interact with content by turning users from passive viewers into active creators. This breaks the boundaries of traditional media consumption, allowing users to participate in and influence the shows they love.
  • Diverse Animation Production: Currently, Showrunner focuses on creating animated content and offers a variety of animation style options, including classic anime styles, Pixar-style 3D animations, and the unique cut-out animation style of “South Park.”
  • Flexible Content Editing Tools: While Showrunner aims to simplify the creation process for non-technical, non-professional users, it also provides flexible content editing tools for those who want to delve deeper into creation. Users can fine-tune scripts, camera usage, and sound effects to polish and perfect their creations.

How to Use Showrunner

Showrunner is currently in beta testing, with approximately 100 people participating in creating scenes and episodes. Interested users can visit the official website to join the waitlist (currently open for 50,000 spots) to gain early access.

TV Shows Created by Showrunner

Last year, Fable showcased its SHOW-1 model through nine episodes of “South Park AI.” The company has announced plans to produce 10 TV shows using Showrunner (users can create new episodes just by speaking):

  1. Exit Valley: A sharp Silicon Valley satire animated series that portrays the lives and pursuits of tech giants, entrepreneurs, and researchers in Silicon Valley.
  2. Pixels: A heartwarming family comedy set in a future where AI technology is prevalent, depicting how various smart devices become part of the family, bringing joy and challenges.
  3. What We Leave Behind: An animated family drama exploring relationships among family members and their mutual support in facing difficulties and challenges.
  4. Ikiru Shinu: A dark horror anime set in a post-apocalyptic world where survivors strive to rebuild society.
  5. United Flavors of America: A political satire series that humorously critiques real-life politics through exaggerated and humorous depictions.
  6. The Prize: A space adventure series set on a spaceship, following a group of space explorers encountering alien life forms.
  7. Hutzpa!: A comedy about a widowed old man’s life in a retirement home and his interactions and learning experiences with other residents.
  8. Sim Francisco: A series about people living in a virtual world, with each story showcasing life and relationships in the virtual world.
  9. Shadows over Shinjuku: An anime detective noir series set in the 1930s, blending historical settings with detective suspense elements.
  10. Thistle Gulch: A twist-filled Western series revealing the secrets and stories behind an apparently ordinary Western town.

For more information and to join the waitlist, visit the Showrunner official website.

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