AI Video Tools


Pika Labs Launch of AI video generation and editing tools


What is Pika?

Pika is a popular AI video generation and editing tool recently launched by the artificial intelligence startup Pika Labs. This tool can turn any idea into a video, allowing users to quickly generate videos in styles such as 3D animation, anime, cartoons, and movies by simply inputting text or images. The AI video generation tool was first released in a test version in late April 2023 and has since been used by over 500,000 early users, generating millions of videos every week. However, Pika is still being further refined, and its actual use suggests that there is still some distance to go before it can be widely adopted in real production environments.

Main Features of Pika

  1. Text/Image to Video: Create short, high-quality videos with AI by simply entering a few lines of text or uploading images.
  2. Video to Video: Transform existing videos into different styles, including various characters and objects, while maintaining the structure of the video.
  3. Video Aspect Ratio Expansion: Extend the canvas or aspect ratio of videos, such as intelligently converting from a 9:16 vertical screen to a 16:9 horizontal screen, with the AI model predicting content beyond the original video boundaries.
  4. Video Content Change: AI edits the content or objects in video frames, such as changing someone’s clothes, adding another character, altering the environment, or adding props.

Target Users of Pika

  • Individual Consumers: Even those with no video production knowledge can easily create and edit videos using AI.
  • Short Video Creators: Quickly generate viral short videos; TikTok videos with the #pikalabs tag have accumulated over 30 million views.
  • Film Professionals: AI generates storyboard drafts from scripts, inspiring photography ideas and assisting in post-production video editing.

How to Use Pika

  1. Visit Pika’s official website (, click to log in with a Google or Discord account, and join the waiting list.
  2. You can also join their Discord community for early access by clicking the Discord invite link (
  3. After joining Pika’s Discord community, choose any generation channel like #generate-1, then enter the command /create+prompt in the input box.
  4. Finally, wait for Pika to generate the video.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is Pika free? Pika is currently in free public beta, and users can join the Discord channel to experience it. A paid version may be launched later.
  • How long can Pika generate videos? Currently, Pika generates videos that are only 3 seconds long by default. Future updates may support longer video durations.
  • Can Pika-generated videos be used commercially? Currently, Pika-generated videos can be used for free commercially, but this policy may change if Pika ends its testing phase or launches a paid version.

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