AI Video Tools

Stable Video

AI Video Generation tool for Stability AI launch


What is Stable Video?

Stable Video is the latest AI-powered video generation tool launched by Stability AI. Based on the latent diffusion model Stable Video Diffusion, it allows users to quickly create high-quality video content online. This tool enables the generation of coherent and realistic video sequences from text descriptions or static images, facilitating the conversion from text to video and image to video.

Core Features of Stable Video

  1. Text-to-Video Generation:
    • Stable Video can transform user text inputs into vivid video sequences. Whether it’s narrative stories, conceptual demonstrations, or emotional expressions, this feature visualizes content creation, greatly expanding creative boundaries.
  2. Dynamic Image Animation:
    • This model can convert static images into dynamic videos. Users can upload an image, and the model will generate a coherent video sequence based on the image content, bringing static art to life and sparking endless imagination.
  3. Flexible Frame Parameter Adjustments:
    • Stable Video offers highly flexible frame parameter adjustments. Users can precisely control camera movements, including locking focus, simulating shake effects, zooming, panning, and adjusting tilt and vertical movements to create more dynamic and professional video works.
  4. Multiple Aspect Ratio Adaptations:
    • To meet the needs of different platforms and display scenarios, Stable Video supports various video aspect ratios, including 16:9, 9:16, and 1:1. This ensures perfect presentation of video content on different devices and media platforms, whether on widescreen TVs, mobile devices, or social media.
  5. Diverse Styles:
    • Stable Video can generate videos in realistic styles and supports various artistic styles such as 3D effects, cinematic feel, animation, comic styles, fantasy elements, neon punk, photographic art, texture effects, origami art, and more. This provides users with a rich visual expression means, stimulating creative inspiration and achieving personalized video creation.

How to Use Stable Video to Generate Videos

  1. Visit the Official Website:
  2. Choose a Starting Point:
    • Select “Start with Image” for image-to-video or “Start with Text” for text-to-video generation.
  3. Enter Details:
    • For text-to-video, input the prompt, select the aspect ratio, and choose the video style. For image-to-video, upload the image and set frame parameters.
  4. Generate Video:
    • Click the “Generate” button and wait for the video to be created.

Pricing Plans for Stable Video

  1. Free Version:
    • Users receive 150 free credits daily upon registration, approximately generating 15 videos (image-to-video consumes 10 credits per time, and text-to-video consumes 11 credits per time).
  2. Paid Version:
    • $10 for 500 credits (generates about 50 videos).
    • $50 for 3000 credits (generates about 300 videos).

Application Scenarios for Stable Video

  1. Film and Game Production:
    • Stable Video seamlessly integrates real scenes with virtual objects, providing realistic visual effects for film and game production. It can create complex scenes, characters, and special effects, reducing production costs and improving creative efficiency.
  2. Advertising Creativity:
    • The advertising industry can use Stable Video to generate unique video content, attracting viewers’ attention through innovative visual presentations and enhancing the appeal and spread of advertisements.
  3. Social Media and Content Creation:
    • Content creators can quickly generate video content for personal social media accounts or short video production using Stable Video, offering rich creative materials and fast content production capabilities.
  4. Artistic Creation:
    • Artists and designers can explore new artistic forms with Stable Video, creating unique visual art works or adding dynamic elements to existing art pieces.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is Stable Video free to use?
    • Stable Video provides 150 free credits daily, which can generate approximately 15 videos.
  • What model is Stable Video based on?
    • Stable Video is based on the Stable Video Diffusion 1.1 video generation model.
  • What is the duration of the videos generated by Stable Video?
    • Stable Video currently generates videos up to 4 seconds long.

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